
The human mind is able to imagine the future. That is a powerful ability that can help you realize your goals and achieve success. But if you suffer from anxiety, your mind can also imagine many unpleasant futures.

While you work on the root causes of your anxiety, you can improve your life by actively adding positive futures to the list of things that can happen. Every time you notice yourself imagining something bad happening, stop for a moment, and imagine the opposite situation. Once you have a positive situation in your mind, it is easy to add a couple of other positive variations. 

You can use the power of your mind to fill your imagination with positive futures to take power away from your anxiety.

Finding Calmness Within

Many people ask me how to find calm in these stressful and challenging times. To help all of you, I have put together an online seminar together with a colleague.

You’ll learn techniques to help you handle the internal discomfort caused by harassment, trauma, discrimination, loss of a loved one, betrayal, and many other things. The online setting is ideal for this if you suffer from social anxiety – it is a safe, close group and you can join with or without your camera on 😉

The seminar is on Thursday, Nov 11th from 5 pm to 7 pm European Time (CET). The cost is only 36 Euro and these two hours can change your life! Read more and sign up here:

Accept Different Opinions

Today is election day in the United States, and I know many of my clients are worried. Remember that your task is not to save your country from the other side. Your task is to vote for who you believe will be best for your country.

The shouting before the election has many people saying that their opponents must be evil. Don’t believe that. A lot of people have a different opinion from yours, but going through life thinking your neighbors are evil will just make the election anxiety permanent. No matter what the outcome, accept the fact that some people don’t agree with you and that’s okay. That will help you heal after this divisive time.

Celebrate Your Wins

With all the negative news around, it is extra important that you celebrate your small wins. If you set out to rake the leaves on your lawn this weekend, and you did it, you have earned the right to a small celebration. If you decided to take a walk every day last week and you did it, you are allowed to celebrate.

It is an important weapon against overwhelm and anxiety to make plans for things that are within your control. When you have followed your plan, you have achieved something. The horrors of the world around you cannot take that achievement from you.

What are you planning to achieve this week?

Do Your Part

All over the world, “pandemic fatigue” is spreading. After eight months of restrictions, everybody is tired and many have started ignoring advice or even protesting restrictions.

You cannot solve that. Bullying victims and other anxiety sufferers tend to worry about a lot of things that are outside of their control, but you cannot stop this pandemic. What you can do is to behave sensibly and adhere to the official guidelines where you are. Don’t read articles and watch news stories about the places where it’s bad. Your media will always tell you the story from where it’s worst.

Think about the sensible precautions you are taking, and think about all the sensible people all over the world who are doing the same. We’re fighting this fight together. 

When the scared kid is holding your client back

Image by Pixabay

The emotions where visible, when my resent client talked about, how he kept stopping himself for moving forward. He would start on a project, and then, when he had completed just over half the project, “things” got in the way.

Using the emotions as a doorway in. We went back to a situation in childhood, where he had been ridiculed in front of the class for a project, he had spent quite an amount of time on. As he sensed himself in the classroom, he could hear his classmates laugh, and feel how his whole body had tensed up to keep him from crying. And he realized that the little boy right there, had made a decision to never complete a project again, in order to protect himself from being hurt once more.

Guiding my client into a dialog with his younger age self, he was able to comfort the young self and support him in moving through the emotions. And they both realized, that completing projects was something they truly wanted.    

Later that week my client happily shared with me how he had gone home and worked on his recent project. And had completed it within a few days.

Being able to use the emotions as a doorway into helping our clients, is an effective way to uncover and work through the roots to our clients problems. And RIM (Regenerating Image in Memory) is a great tool to have in your toolbox, when you are searching for the best way to help your client.

You can learn more by participating in a free online group demonstration. Here you can get a taste of how RIM can benefit yourself and your clients and learn more about the RIM method. Sign up to join the next available call here

Doing the webinar you will be guided through a group RIM experienced. Doing the discussion afterwards, you will learn more about the RIM method, have time to ask your questions, and find out if RIM is a good fit for you. Sign up here  

To Learn more about the RIM method and upcoming trainings Click here

Speak Your Voice

Speak Your Voice

”Stupid,” ”Wrong answer,” “Not relevant” were the responses I usually got when I tried to speak up in class. Or I was simply ignored. Over time, my voice began disappearing. It became less and less audible as my internal fear of receiving a harsh reaction and being ridiculed grew. 

During my school years, I had speech therapy multiple times to help me raise my voice. The goal was that my classmates and others could simply hear what I said. I learned to articulate more clearly, to use my body to put more sound into my voice. And yes, it did help in the therapy sessions. But it didn’t raise my voice or made it clearer outside of the safe place in the therapist’s office. Speech therapy tackled the mechanical aspects of my voice issues, but it didn’t address the emotional issues – my extremely low self-esteem and my anxiety. And these were the main reasons my voice had shut down. 

I used to believe I was an introvert. Today, I love networking. I used to think I couldn’t speak in front of others, today I love speaking and teaching around the world. The shift came when I started to work on my limiting beliefs, my anxiety issues and the deep emotional blocks created by my teacher and others who bullied me over the years.  I did it, and you can, too. 

Internal fears and blocking beliefs will define how you show up in your life today. When you choose to work through these blocks, you start to show up differently and can create a different life. As one of my clients said: “With my old belief, I would have taken the boring job as a sales assistant well inside my comfort zone.” Instead, she went for the other offer as a project manager for a major event. Before she was able to take that decision, she had to work on her low self-esteem and the belief that nobody would listen to her. Today, she is happy in her job and can’t believe that she ever considered taking the sales assistant job. 

Are you ready to work through the blocks that stop you? Join my free community where you can find resources to help you move forward in life.