
Establish a Breathing Habit

How is your breathing? Now that I ask, you might be noticing it. But most of the time, your breathing just happens. Now decide to take deeper breaths. Notice how you feel calmer.

Breathing is interesting because there is a direct two-way connection between your breathing and your emotional state. Your stress level affects your breathing, but your breathing also affects your stress level.

To make sure you remember to take some time to breathe deeply, connect breathing with something you already do. Find some action you take several times a day, and take a few deep breaths before you do it. For example, whenever you pick up your coffee or tea mug for a refill, hold the mug while you take three deep breaths. Getting some good breathing into your life will reduce stress and improve your health.

Prepare a Stress Response Anchor

Hitting someone is a bad response. At the Oscars ceremony, one of the hosts made a joke about an actor’s wife, and the actor stormed up on stage and slapped the host in front of 15 million TV viewers. No matter how bad or tasteless the joke, physically hitting out is the wrong way to react.

Instead, prepare a stress response in advance. One powerful technique is called “anchoring” where you connect a physical feeling to an emotional state. Sit in your favorite place, listen to your favorite music and think of all the good things that have happened in your life. As you really feel good, press your thumb against your middle finger. Say in your mind “I am anchoring this good feeling in my body.” Do this several times on different days.

When faced with a stressful situation in the future, you can call upon your anchor. Touch your thumb against your middle finger and you will feel the calm you have stored in advance. If you see Will Smith, feel free to pass this tip to him.

Are You Prepared?

This morning, the citizens of Ukraine woke up to the sound of a Russian invasion. After weeks of threats, some people were prepared and some were not. You might not live in a place where a Russian invasion is likely, but you might still be affected by natural and man-made disasters.

You have pushed the risk out of your conscious mind, but your unconscious mind is continually evaluating it.

The better prepared you are for the unexpected, the more your mind will be is at ease. The events of today are a reminder to find out how to prepare yourself. In Sweden, every household recently received a 20-page folder called “If crisis or war comes.” Find the official recommendation for emergency preparedness from your local authorities and prepare yourself a little better. It will calm your mind.

Finding Calmness Within

Many people ask me how to find calm in these stressful and challenging times. To help all of you, I have put together an online seminar together with a colleague.

You’ll learn techniques to help you handle the internal discomfort caused by harassment, trauma, discrimination, loss of a loved one, betrayal, and many other things. The online setting is ideal for this if you suffer from social anxiety – it is a safe, close group and you can join with or without your camera on 😉

The seminar is on Thursday, Nov 11th from 5 pm to 7 pm European Time (CET). The cost is only 36 Euro and these two hours can change your life! Read more and sign up here:
