Set Goals for Every Day

If you are working from home, you don’t have the physical separation of work and leisure you have been used to. That can make the days run together, and lead to feeling disconnected and unenthusiastic about your life.

To fight this feeling, make sure you set goals with different timeframes. Each day should achieve a couple of mini-goals, and each week should have at least one goal. If your work doesn’t provide you with goals like this, you will have to make them up yourself. It doesn’t matter if they are private or professional goals. What is your goal for this week?

Happy new year

I wish for you that 2019 will be filled with happy memories.

For me, this holiday was especially exciting and a little scary: After a long gestation period, my book Life After Bullying – Three Steps to Inner Peace was finally published.

In Life After Bullying, I share my journey, how I came to love myself again, became confident and started to trust myself and others again. It wasn’t always easy, but with support and slowly finding the right tools, I made it. And now that I have realized we all have unknown potential inside of us, I keep moving to the next level.

However, Life After Bullying isn’t just a book about me. It is a toolbox that guides you through the steps I know can help you in taking your life to the next level. Over the past 6 years, I have helped many clients from around the world who suffer from a traumatic past. Based on my own journey and theirs, I have developed a path with three essential steps that take you from a debilitating lack of self-esteem to owning your own life.

The steps are:

  1. Preparing the ground, where you create a strong foundation by acknowledging yourself and the knowledge you have acquired.
  2. Creating your blueprint for success, which guides you towards the right goal. Knowing what you want out of your life gives you the road to success.
  3. Building your ideal life, where you learn tools to support you in creating your new life. Tools to let go of your past and build the life you dream of.

Learn more about Life After Bullying by visiting the book website at or buy it here.
I wish you all the best for the upcoming year.