What RIM can do, and How You Can Learn It

My client started to cough heavily, gasping for air. He felt an intense lump in his throat blocking the energy flow in his body. I invited him to close his eyes, and we ensured he felt safe. Then I gently led him to move into the blockage. An image appeared of the very first time he experienced not being able to express his feelings. I guided him to speak to his dad, whom he was seeing in front of him. As he voiced all the things he had never said before, the tension in his throat lessened. When he was done, he felt a surge of energy moving through his airway, and he was ready to take the next step forward in his life.

The RIM method leverages body awareness and imagination to detect and dissolve the root cause of an issue. It was developed experimentally, but modern neuroscience has subsequently explained how it works. By directly accessing the feelings stored in the body, RIM can bypass many of the barriers our mind puts up and uncover hidden blockages. Once you have found the blockage, you can begin to heal by generating new images that drain the event of negative emotions. With this new image, you can release the past to be more present and live the rich and fulfilling life you deserve.

I discovered the power of RIM myself for the first time in 2011. I had been severely bullied throughout my childhood and consequently suffered from low self-esteem and had accumulated a heavy load of self-limiting beliefs. The RIM method helped me overcome the effects of the bullying and let me start a new life. Driven by the urge to help others move through their past traumatic experiences, I started training as a RIM practitioner in 2012. I have worked personally with RIM founder Dr. Deborah Sandella, and have since qualified as a RIM Master Facilitator and RIM trainer.

Over the years, I have witnessed many amazing results as my clients work through events from their life and remove the emotional charge. Some of these events might seem to be small, but childhood experiences can settle in the body as a persistent “I’m not good enough” feeling. Others have worked through highly traumatic events like rape and incest. Big or small, all these events have an impact on our emotional operating system. We cannot change the past, and trying to suppress past trauma doesn’t work. But with RIM, we can change the memory of the event so it no longer carries an emotional charge that keeps us down. One of my clients, a rape victim, said, “Now the thought of him no longer makes me cringe. It’s like a picture on the wall. It happened, but I have moved on.”

Your journey learning RIM can start already next month. The last RIM Essentials training course in Europe this year is coming up September 20-24th. I’ll be your trainer and will be happy to share my experience and teach you this powerful tool. You can learn more here: https://www.lottevesterli.com/rim-essential-training/

You are also very welcome to reach out to me to hear more. I’d be happy to jump on a call with you so we can find out if learning RIM is right for you.

Why do Anti-Bullying Campaigns Still Look the Same?

A campaign is good, but action is better. This week is Anti-Bullying Week in the UK, and I support everything that fights bullying. However, it seems to me that most campaigns are still doing the same thing we did 20 years ago. Since we’re still running these campaigns, maybe our way of fighting bullying hasn’t been terribly effective?

The best way to fight bullying is by helping everyone build up their self-esteem. A person with healthy self-esteem is not a bully, and is able to shrug it off if someone tries to bully them. We’re not seeing many “Self-esteem weeks,” but I am hopeful they are coming.

Learning the RIM Method

I’ve just completed this year’s last RIM Essential training. This international class was amazing, eager to dive in deep both learning the skills and working on their own personal development.

They left after five days of in-depth training with new insights and new skills that we will develop over the next three month. Learning RIM is not just a five-day class – you cannot learn to change the lives of your clients in such a short time. That’s why the process also involves practice sessions, feedback, and group coaching sessions over the next months. This way of learning ensures that every student can really absorb the RIM method and can use it in their practice with clients.

RIM (Regenerating Images in Memory) is a method that works with the client’s emotional operating system. By accessing the body memory and bypassing the logic of the thinking brain, we can get straight to the root of longstanding problems. This allows us to let go of old feelings and traumatic memories on a deep cellular level. I am constantly amazed at the results my clients achieve after only one or two RIM sessions.

If you are interested in learning this powerful method and participating in the next training, please get in touch.

Make the World a Better Place

At the end of next week, the world will be a better place. That’s because another four wonderful coaches and therapists will have learned the powerful RIM technique that I practice and teach. With this tool, they can make even more of a difference for their clients. Happiness spreads like rings in water – when my trainees help their clients improve their lives, others around the clients will be happier. These people affect yet others, who will also become happier.

I encourage you to make a difference for as many people as you can. Everyone can help others every day. RIM practitioners have special training and can help people with serious trauma, and if you want to make the maximum impact in the world, it would be a great idea to learn this method. Next week is my last workshop this year, but there will be others in 2023. If you are curious about what RIM can do, and how you can use it to help others, please contact me.

Train Your Brain

Are you getting smarter or dumber? If you’re not challenging your brain, it loses power just like muscles you don’t use. The physiology is completely different, but research shows that we can add more brain cells by using our brains just like we can add more muscle mass by using our muscles.

Because it takes so much energy to run a human brain, the body is always looking for shortcuts. Routines and habits mean that you don’t have to think – you just do as you normally do. It is your job to keep your brain fit by giving it new challenges. You don’t have to learn a new language or to play the piano, but you should always have something new to keep your brain fresh and interested. What new skill or challenge will you give your brain to work on this weekend?